Sunday 2 May 2010

You've evaded me for too long, pesky celebs.....

I've been told off.

My good friend Evan just sat me down and - I quote - "bitched" at me (she's American....!) at the state of my blogging affairs.

"Ash, seriously, I've been checking your site for Celeb Spots of the Week since about January. You should rename it Celeb Spots of the Month, not Celeb Spots of the Week..."

She's right. I know this much is true. But it's funny she should have had this rant at this particular point in time. Aside from a few Z-listers, those pesky celebs have evaded me for a few weeks. It seems the bitter winter months of late have caused them to retreat into their own fur-lined, diamond-studded version of hibernation.

However, in the last week or so they have begun to reemerge...

Here you are folks! Celeb Spots of the Month...!

Sandy Toksvig - Comedienne, author and presenter - walking right by my work building, down Riding House Street with a group of people.

Wendi Peters - Actress, best known for her role as Cilla in Coronation St, and current star of Grumpy Old Women Live - walking down Great Queen Street in Covent Garden.

Sophie Anderton - Model and "reality TV star", i.e. general all-round bitch on I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! - entering one of my work buildings to visit another company. I have a very good story to go with this spot. I may post about it in the future...... Depends if I can get done for some celebrity-self-styled crime or not!

Matt King - Super Hans in Peep Show, Cook's father in Skins, star of Inkheart, Rock n Rolla and Bronson - walking down Oxford St.

Sean Pertwee - Tonnes of TV appearances, most well know for Cold Feet and the third Doctor Who, and the films Dog Soldiers and The 51st State - at our company, recording a voice-over.

Sarah Alexandra - Maybe you don't recognise the name, but you'd recognise the face. She's been in Green Wing, Coupling and Teachers, and played Michelle Phifer's witch sister in Stardust - Also recording a voice over at our place.

Frankie Sandford - Of The Saturdays - Also entering our building to visit another company - Swooooooooooooooooon.

Clare Nasir - GMTV weather girl - attending the launch party of Yo! Sushi on Market Place, with her boyfriend, BBC 6Music DJ Chris Hawkins.

Hardeep Singh Kohli - Roving reporter for The One Show - also at the Yo! Sushi launch party.

Kerry Katona - Ex-Atomic-Kitten member, "Queen of the Jungle" and general trashy reality TV star - seemingly being the "main event" at Yo! Sushi's launch party.

And there you are folks. Nothing special, but after a serious drought for CSOTW, somewhat of an influx of popular personalities for teagirl.

Let's hope they're back in action, and Celeb Spots of the Week doesn't need to become, as suggested by Evan, Celeb Spots of the Month...

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