Thursday 10 June 2010

She's funny, that Ash...

As you have probably read, two days ago I published a post talking about the funny things that I tend to witness when in and around London. Usually, this involves my enjoyment of other people's misfortune since, let's face it, when someone does something really stupid, it's pretty funny.

Well. Less than 24 hours after posting one such event occured... What are the chances, right?

Yesterday, on the commute into work, a girl was just entering the station as the train she needed was pulling into the platform. She'd walked in on the opposite side of the tracks, so needed to cross over a footbridge to catch the train. As she ran up the steps she slipped - who'd a thunk it, rain in June! - and despite going down quite heavily, picked herself up and carried on running across the bridge.

Pretty funny thing to see, right? That wasn't all....

As she was coming to the bottom of the steps on the other side, the train doors started to beep (meaning the doors were about to close), so she quickly legged it onto the nearest carriage, JUST made it..... and slipped on the wet floor, flying smack bang on her arse.

Gotta say, it was a pretty impressive fall! Legs flying into the air and everything.

To make matters worse, the carriage was fairly busy, and the chorus of "Oohhh!"'s from the concerned-yet-actually-just-really-amused witnesses only confirmed that, yep, everyone just saw your comedy fall, love.

Embarrassing, right? I suppose the fact that is June doesn't really make people very wary of slippery floors, which is a good thing for calamity-spotters like myself...

Oh. And one more thing. It was me. The girl slipping on her arse in front of everyone?


1 comment:

  1. Oh dear... I had a feeling it was you! And this is precisely the reason why I never run for the train . . . it is almost always likely to end in embarrassment.
