Tuesday 23 March 2010

"Oi, Mush!"

On the morning of Thursday 18th March I woke up in a daze, five minutes before I needed to leave the house for work. I scrambled out of bed, almost stepping onto last night's dirty plate, and, on realising that NONE of my washing had dried over night, grabbed one of my last two clean (and dry) T-shirts and some jeans. I had an impressively quick wash, legged it out of the house and somehow managed to catch my train.

It wasn't until I'd reached worked and checked my emails that I realised I'd forgotten something. Something really bloody big. Later in the day we had a booking for a voice-over, with a very high-profile client attending.... None other than Sir David Attenborough, hero to many and national treasure.

I was about to meet Sir David Attenborough, about to represent my company in his - and other high-profile clients' - presence..... and I was wearing a T-shirt with beachwear-clad lego people on the front with the tagline "I'll Be Ready..... For Mouth to Mouth." Awesome.

They were arriving at lunchtime, so I went to Marks & Spencer and bought a spread of mixed sandwich platters, nibbles (nuts, crisps, dip, etc), and cupcakes. Then, just before they arrived, I gave in to my inner OCD and prepared and laid out the food in a way that can only be described as beautiful. Sandwiches laid out in a fancy pattern. Bowls of nibbles arranged symmetrically. Cupcakes set out in alternating colours. I was extremely proud.

My pride was short-lived. On arrival the clients decided to split up, half waiting in reception while the other half discussed the plan for the afternoon. Thus I had to disturb my intricate lunch spread and share the food between the two groups. Sir David never got to see it. But I know he would have loved it.

There wasn't too much for me to do for them once they got into the swing of things. There were a couple of drink orders, though, and so finally my moment came. I entered the room, hastily took their orders, with one of the other clients checking with Sir David that he wanted a black coffee - in response he didn't turn around, just simply said "Yes, yes please." I made my teas and coffees, conscious that this was probably the most important tea round I'd ever done, and was happy with the again simple "Thank you" that I received on delivering that coffee to everyone's favourite Sir.

And that was it, that was the extent of my experience with Sir David Attenborough. One more amazing moment followed, when he was sat in reception waiting for his car to arrive, chatting away about nature to the other colleagues. The man's intelligence is astounding. He was talking about things that you wouldn't expect anyone to know about, so matter-of-factly that you'd think he was talking about his pet dog.

Time for one more piece of awesomeness. Danny, our dubbing mixer who was working on the project with the clients asked Sir David at the beginning of the session what he should call him. Sir David replied:

"You can just call me David. Or if not you can just shout "Oi, Mush!" "

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