Monday 15 February 2010

Celeb Spots..... Delayed due to blog neglect...

Firstly, apologies. I have been uber mega ultra busy of late and have completely neglected the old blog. Which probably means there'll be an influx of posts in the next few days. I've missed it!

This Celeb Spots is going to be a bit of a mish-mash of the past couple of weeks, and probably not the most interesting I'm afraid. But here you are.

First, there was Bernard Hill. Captain of the Titanic, King Theoden in Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, and 'coiner' of the term "Gizza job!"

He was in to record a voice over at work one Saturday, and I was rather excited to meet him. He really was lovely, ordering simply a couple of white teas, no sugar, and smiling and sticking his tongue out at me when I entered the room with his hot beverage! I wanted to compliment him on the courageous way he stayed with the Titanic when she was sinking, rather than fleeing on a life boat, but decided against it. When he came to leave I was coming back through the door after a run, and when he saw me he said "Oh! The tea lady!" I wanted to say "Well, actually it's teagirl... and you should check out my blog....." but again..... decided against it.

Next came Chris Evans. Now, I've already seen him, so usually wouldn't give him another slot of CSOTW, but I wanted to share... slash vent... this! I passed him on Great Portland Street, probably on his way back down to Radio 1, and he was on the phone. As I passed by him he was saying, "Yeah, he's a right faggot..."

Nice Chris, real nice... What a moron.

Also on Great Portland Street sometime last week, I spotted comedian Marcus Brigstocke, from the likes of Argumental, Have I Got News For You and The Late Edition. Now he's not huge in the comedy world, but here are two things to get excited about:

1. He wrote this awesome joke, which has made the rounds and been claimed by many a joke-thief:

"If Pac-Man had affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in dark rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."

2. He looks like Sam The Eagle from the Muppets.

Finally, my friends and I were in a McDonalds along Regent St on Saturday when we spotted Jake Wood who plays Max Branning in Eastenders. We had to restrain ourselves from going up to him and asking "So, did you kill Archie?" and "Honestly, are you shitting yourself about Friday's live episode?"

So that's it I think. Oh, well, there was Charlie from Big Brother 10, shopping in Hamleys, and Mo from Big Brother 9 working there, wearing a name tag that said "Richard", which fooled noone, and looking like he was having some sort of breakdown. But aside from that, that's all folks.



  1. Hahaha, I've never heard the Pac-Man joke before, it's ace!

  2. You know, I have a friend who look UNCANNILY like Marcus Brigstocke. In fact half the time we CALL him Marcus Brigstocke. Maybe you saw my friend, haha!

    By the way, massive kudos for knowing about Bernard Hill and "gizza job", proves you're a REAL media fan, not just a "OMG he was in that film with Orlando Bloom" fangirl :D
