Tuesday 2 February 2010

"I don't do regrets. Just things I wish had happened a little differently."

I wish I'd gotten to see Michael Jackson perform live, with my front row ticket for tonight, February 1st 2010, which always had been too good to be true.

I wish that after starting dancing lessons at the age of 3 I hadn't given up so early, not knowing how much I would love to dance when I was older. I wish now that I had the guts to get out there and do what I love so much.

I wish my grandparents, Lily and Joe Mowbray, had lived long enough to see who I grew up to be, and that I'd been able to get to know them. I know I would have loved their spirit.

I wish I'd not made my mum worry quite so much when I was 14.

I wish I could have had the chance to see Bob Marley perform No Woman No Cry, and this time cried at the real beauty of it rather than just the wonder.

I wish that, during my last ever competitive game of rounders in High School, I hadn't lost my temper and got myself sent off.

I wish I'd been wiser and been a little easier on my first love.

I wish that, on the day I met Simon Cowell, my auntie and I hadn't decided to collect as much free crap as possible on the commute into London, thus making me look either very strange or freakishly intelligent when rooting in my bag for my camera.

And sometimes... sometimes I wish I had the guts to be completely honest about the way I feel, and actually do something about it.

1 comment:

  1. I just laughed out loud at the Simon Cowell comment - brilliant! :)

    That's a shame you never got to see Michael in the flesh when you had a ticket.
