Wednesday 18 November 2009

Executively Produced Tea.

The producer and executive producer of 'Travels With Bradshaw' for Talkback Thames were in today to view the offline edit for the show. The producer always enjoys a white Earl Grey, no sugar, when she's here and is currently on her third. The executive producer, a very serious-looking man who carries a clipboard and expensive pen and doesn't say very much, had a white English tea, no sugar.

It's the clients doing the offline editing here that have the more complicated stuff. Many a trip to Pret has been made for coffee.

Maybe that's a sign that coffee isn't my calling?


In other news, for the first time last night I managed to catch one of the many programmes edited here at Halo on TV - Berlin on the BBC. Very cool to see three of my colleagues in the credits!

1 comment:

  1. white earl grey no sugar, now THATS what i'm talking about.
