Friday 6 November 2009

A True Cultural Icon of the Noughties....

This morning, whilst travelling on the tube to work, I found it extremely difficult to contain my laughter when reading Metro's '60 Second Interview' with Megan Fox......

Thought I'd post one of my favourite answers... a true gem!

The film centres on two best friends who are frenemies. Are teenage girls really like that?
"Yes, girls are awful. But, in their defence, girls are awful because of the way society is set up - we're constantly in competition for male attention. Our fathers raise us wrong and we spend the rest of our lives searching for boys to pay attention to us, which validates us. So no girls can really be your friend, because if she takes attention from you, your daddy doesn't love you."

Really Megan? Really? Ok, so it's not an entirely unsupported theory.

But it made me laugh.

Remember folks, if you let a girl take the attention off you, then daddy doesn't love you.

[Taken from Metro, 06/11/09]

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