Monday 16 November 2009

It Happens.

Sorry, seem to have missed a couple of letters off there.

Today I have made tea. Weak tea, strong "builder's" tea, Rooibos (Redbush) tea, milky tea. And coffee, both of the instant kind, and the cafatiere kind. I have made toast with butter, marmite, peanut butter and marmalade. I have provided biscuits, carefully placed on the plate in a delightful design. I have run to Starbucks, and Pret, for a variety of skinny-mocha-tall-grande-americano-latte types. I've grabbed soup from Eat, and dragged myself back from Sainsburys with far too many cartons of juice and 6 pints of milk.

And that's it. I have an hour left at work, and that's all I've done. "Tea girl" has never rung so true.

It got me to thinking, I probably make this whole thing sound fairly glamourous. Or if not glamourous then fun, exciting in a slightly glamourous way. And it is fun, it is exciting, but it's bloody hard work. I can't even tell you how hard. Ok so I'm not searching for a cure to some rare disease, and I'm not working the accounts of a multi-million pound business. But this job is hard. You work your arse off all day every day in the hope that one day it will get you somewhere. And it will, one day. You live for the clients that are friendly even in the mornings, and who will never bother you with too much than they really need to.

It's a bit shit, to be honest. It was always gonna be a bit shit. But I bloody love it. I love what I'm doing, not just because I get to be amongst the people working in the industry I want to be in, but also because one day this will get me to where I want to be, and when that happens I'll know I've grafted for it.

So no, it's not glamourous, not by most people's standards, but for me? For me it could be walking a catwalk in Paris, for me it's pretty fabulous.


P.s..... Expect anytime soon a full update on the X Factor results show, plus a more in-depth Celeb Spots of the Week, as well as updates on the new pad that I'm moving into tonight! (Now that really is not glam!)

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