Monday 2 November 2009

"Seriously, you can rent dead cats?"

I post this not only to fill everybody in on my time working on independent feature film 'Dead Cat', but also to let people know about this great movie, which has been made with virtually no budget and still looks amazing, is incredibly funny, and which - all bias aside - is just a bloody good film all round.

Take a minute to check out the website:

Working on this film - I was a production assistant, as well as doing various other things during the six week shoot! - reminded my of why I love British cinema. I've heard people describe 'Dead Cat' as a romantic comedy, but I think that instantly gives off the wrong impression. People subconsciously find it difficult to hear that term without thinking of 90 minutes of your Adam Sandlers and Kate Hudsons, amidst airport scenes and penis jokes.

'Dead Cat' IS a romance story.... it joins two childhood sweethearts, Michael and Kristen, ten years after their teenage romance. Michael is a struggling photographer who begins to pick up the bits and pieces of his life after his cat dies. Kristen is married, albeit unhappily, and has a daughter. They meet again at a speed dating evening, and so begins their story, for the second time.

The film was written by Sam Bern (who also stars as character Sam) and Stefan Georgiou (Director). The script is hilarious in parts and heartbreaking in others. The lead actors Sebastian Armesto and Sophia Dawnay honestly blew me away. I cannot WAIT to see this movie.

As production assistant one of my main responsibilities was looking after the cast and crew, making sure everyone was fed and watered, and running out for bits and bobs needed on set... varying from milk... to bicarbonate of soda... to black-out card! I also helped out on set, often with my lovely ladies in the art department, and helping the producer by finding extras.... sorry.... Supporting Artists..... for some of our larger scenes. Midway through shooting I received a slight promotion (!) to Sound Assistant - running sound and monitoring the volume levels through takes - although only for a week or so, cut short by a not-entirely-unexpected bout of swine flu! It was great experience, because it was something new, and actually quite a difficult job. I gained so much in experience and learning from this movie, which makes me so incredibly grateful to everyone who taught me and allowed me to get stuck in.

I love this movie. Love it. I feel so lucky to have not only been given a chance by everyone at Dead Cat Films Ltd., but to actually have liked the movie being made before my eyes so much that on occasion I forgot that it was fiction!

So well written, so wonderfully well made - I feel privileged to have worked with our brilliant crew who I got on with so well. And it's not every day you see someone rent a dead, stuffed (soft - not stiff!) cat.... or fireworks let off from a tiny raft on the Thames (see our practice run in the yard of the office Here!)..... or a Britney Spears impersonator asking if she can borrow your bra for her costume..... OR a crew of very professional filmmakers playing Rock Band after a night's shooting (with me on guitar... my personal favourite moment!).

We wrapped last Thursday (29/10) and everyone felt both excited and slightly sad at the thought of it all being over. The sense of achievement, especially on something so new to me, was overwhelming.

I am so proud of everyone.

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