Sunday 6 December 2009

Celeb Spots of the "Week"

Ok, so the lack of internet at my new abode and the lack of surfing time during lunch hours is taking it's toll on the blog. I'm aware. So here's a combined Celeb Spots over two weeks, hopefully to make up for the fact that I saw no bloody celebs last week. Not one. Not a Big Brother housemate in sight. Oh wait, there was Michael Portillo.....

Aside from an old Holby City doctor, and some woman who has been in loads of shows, yet I can't seem to remember even one of them.... this post's first week was very boring in comparison to the week before. There was a bit of a theme going on though...

I randomly spotted Tim Vincent walking down Margaret St one day... you remember him, from Blue Peter?

A couple of days later I answered the buzzer at work only to get the response "It's Diane Louise Jordan for the voice-over...." For those who lived in a life-proof box through the nineties, Diane Louise Jordan is a Blue Peter legend. I had a lovely chat with her in the lift, mainly about losing our Oyster cards and how we should really register them (I know how to schmooze the stars). She is really, really nice. However I couldn't help but think the whole time, "But I watched you on TV every night when I was little. You're practically a childhood hero to thousands of British twentysomethings..."

So I get starstruck by Z-listers. Sue me.

The next week was slightly more exciting....

- Fiona Phillips (ex-GMTV sofa-sitter)
When I saw her name on our day sheet I gasped and said "Fiona Phillips? Of GMTV fame?" to which my colleagues simply raised an eyebrow each. I really need to reevaluate my life.

- Sheikh Mohammed (Ruler of Dubai)
Ok, so I clearly googled this one to see who would be travelling through Soho in a massive convoy with a million police escorts.... but turns out it was this guy. His convoy looked to be carrying the rest of his family, but it could have just been his delegates. Anyway, it was quite cool to see. Fifth richest man in the world or sammink.

- Kate Winslet.
Oh yeah.... I bloody did. It was really cool, she was on Wardour St shopping with her kids and was just getting her 'people' to pack stuff into the car, and telling them it needed to be packed "really flat"... whatever it was. She looked lovely, not too glam, just a nooormal mum (Sorry... I really couldn't resist the Katy Brand reference). I did consider taking a quick pic, which would have definitely got me £200 from Heat magazine. But she was with her kids, and it didn't seem right.

And then I kicked myself all the way home. Balls.

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