Wednesday 9 December 2009

I think I might have done it.

"It" being.... learnt how to make the perfect brew. That's cup of tea to you Southerners....!

It's a proud moment, a huge event in the history of teagirl... So here's how....

Tea bag in first, obviously. Pour water in until there is a gap at the top of the cup of only a centimeter. Squash the teabag down to the bottom with the spoon, then stir and let it sit for a few seconds. Then, whilst again squashing the bag to the bottom of the cup, stir four or five times and squeeze against the side of the cup. Stir twice more and finally squeeze on the side again and remove the teabag.

This, of course, is only for people that like fairly strong tea.

Then, add milk. It's best to do this from a small jug, because straight from the carton often means milk overload. If you are pouring from the carton, use a steady, firm hand so as to not add too much milk. Pour slowly and stir at the same time, until you get a nice, solid and not too pale colour.

If you like sugar, it's best to add this before you add the milk, so it will dissolve properly.

And there you have it. The perfect brew.

(I could really do with a promotion sometime soon......for the sake of my sanity).

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