Tuesday 8 December 2009

"Hello, and welcome to the Clothes Show Live 2009........for the fourth time..."

After a gloriously early (hmm) Sunday morning train, myself and jennifereditor arrived in Brum. We were shooting the Clothes Show Live as well as a few interviews/vox pops for a promo video for the production company behind the fashion theatre, the Doll. I, of course, was the glamorous assistant. By glamorous I mean setting up the tripod for the camera, carrying stuff and running like a madwoman (on a deathwish – considering the amount of fashion-hungry women the NEC was packed with) for last minute batteries. And who am I kidding, I bloody loved it.

The show itself was fantastic. Actually full-on brilliant. Of course, being the not-exactly-fashionista type (although I did discover green nail polish months before it became a celebrity trend), I enjoyed it more for the dancing. The clothes were great; having previously done London Fashion Week I have kiiiind of begun to appreciate fashion a little more… but most of it is still lost on me. The performances, however, were amazing. The dancers were incredibly talented (I was going to say that there was some amazing talent…. which is also true – ha!) and the routines were amazing.

There were various ‘themes’ throughout the hour-long performance, including the office party, Christmas day fun, a ‘toy town’ section in which all the models and dancers performed and dressed as toys, and towards the end an amazing and rather dark segment with a kind of horror feel, which then turned into a True Blood-esque catwalk show, with the theme song to the show playing. I do have some photos which I took on my phone, and once I get that set up on my laptop I will post a few. It was really great, not a foot out of place and the entire show looked amazing.

We had the joy of seeing the show four times from various angles…. By the end of our shooting I knew half the dance moves and what was coming during and after each segment ended! Each time the show was introduced by Fearne Cotton, Gok Wan and Dave Berry (who, it seems, is entirely oblivious to the fact that he actually isn’t that famous, and most people who do know who he is, well, don’t actually care), and after our last show we went backstage to get a few words from them. It was pretty awesome seeing what was going on behind the scenes, and I was SO impressed to see the dancers in a big circle on the floor, all munching away on sweets and crisps! Priceless!

Gok was fabulous, as always. The director of the show told him to do a piece to camera, and he only took a moment to think about it before launching into a great little speech about this year’s Clothes Show – a man clearly born to be nowhere but in front of the camera! Then, as we tried to get Fearne and Dave to speak, we interrupted them taking a photo of Gok simulating… or perhaps more implying…. something with one of the half-naked models, and laughing about how that’s his Christmas card done for the year – brilliant!

All in all, a wonderful day. Loads of fun, and I’m sure my lovely Jennifer has done a fabulous job shooting the show. Can’t wait to see it. Not sure if it will but I’ll let you know if it ends up online.

Ciao darlings.

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