Thursday 14 January 2010

"The first key to writing is to write, not to think!"

I want to write a screenplay.

I've been thinking about it for a good while (I know, I know... "not to think..."). These are my thoughts.

1. I can write. I'm a fairly good writer. Not an amazing writer... but I think I have the potential to write a good script.

2. I can see how the scene will pan out, for whatever I'm writing. Meaning I don't sit with a pen and paper and try to write the scene itself, rather visualise it and let it write itself. I have no idea, but it seems to me this could be a good technique to have.

3. I love film. And so the thought of seeing something that I have not only contributed to, but actually written or co-written, come to life... Well. That would be a dream come true.

4. (And this is where reality kicks in) I've never really written anything creatively. My writing skill is based on non-fiction essays and articles, which yes, I'm good at, but does that really set me in good stead to write a screenplay? It would seem not.

5. I don't seem to have the inspiration to come up with concepts, even though I think that if I were given a concept I would be more than able to run with it. Frustrating at the least. Especially when I probably do have the inspiration, it's probably staring me in the face. I just don't know how to see it yet.

6. I know that, even though it's not entirely necessary, taking some sort of course in writing screenplays, or just creative writing in general, would help me, but right now I have zero time to do anything like that.

7. Do I even have the time to write?

I don't want to become a writer. I just want to do it for a bit of fun... Something me and a few friends can take on and make something out of. Some more experience. But right now I'm stumped. I don't know how the hell I'm gonna do it.

But I will. And on the first few attempts it'll be shit. But I'll get there.

Failing that, I'll turn all Michael Bay on you... and bombard you with glorified pyrotechnics until you forget all about the shoddy dialogue and lack of narrative.


“You must write your first draft with your heart. You rewrite with your head. The first key to writing is to write, not to think!”
Finding Forrester (2000) - William Forrester (Sean Connery)


  1. Ash, try this in April

    Yes, the emphasis is in a different place (quality not quantity) it's something. A good kick up the arse with a support system to boot. I've always dreamed of writing a novel so completed NaNoWriMo last year (similar concept). Don't have a workable first draft but now I know I CAN do it. If nothing else something like this FORCES you to get your creative juices going.

  2. Thanks Stephen :) Checking it out now!

  3. I spend so long thinking about how I want to write, I never actually get around to DOING it - well apart from blogging, where my inspiration or motivation rarely runs out. I'd love to channel my writing into something more creative, like writing a novel, but I think I'm scared of failing...
